Posted on: 6th July 2022
The BLUE SAMM project aims to implement a new format of Local Green Deals (LGD) for small and medium municipalities in rural or mountain areas. It will create a new integrated Governance structure, based on collaborative partnerships (Public, Private and civil society actors), to reach common goals integrated in existing policies and to implement specific practical actions. Our intention is to implement a system of territorial resilience redesigning the local growth system.
Smaller municipalities are the link to connect urban and rural Green Deal strategies. As a matter of fact many of these places are centres for SME and manufacturing industries, and places of living of many metropolitan area workers. The use of a resilient recovery plan to face issues born or worsen by the covid 19 pandemic, can provide a powerful booster to develop high impact local value chain that will in the end, have strong repercussions on metropolitan areas too (E.G. think about how much a sustainable smart working infrastructure in small centres can impact mobility issues for bigger centres).
Smaller municipalities are the link to connect urban and rural Green Deal strategies. As a matter of fact many of these places are centres for SME and manufacturing industries, and places of living of many metropolitan area workers. The use of a resilient recovery plan to face issues born or worsen by the covid 19 pandemic, can provide a powerful booster to develop high impact local value chain that will in the end, have strong repercussions on metropolitan areas too (E.G. think about how much a sustainable smart working infrastructure in small centres can impact mobility issues for bigger centres).
Vicchio’s Blueprint for Small Municipalities LGD
Vicchio’s Blueprint for Small Municipalities LGD
In Vicchio LGD, the Rural Coworking Platform, offers services and spaces for smart working, coworking, for digital based and practical artisanal jobs. Spaces and services involved are both public, private or hybrid. LGD management has created a 6 professionals task force with:
Municipality and technical partners law experts, for hybrid public/private contracts development
IT technicians, for platform development and adaptation
Administrative personnel, for bureaucratic aspects and other technicalities (E.G. insurances alignment)