Posted on: 8th November 2022
PED-ACT stands for Auto characterization of PEDs for digital references towards iterative process optimisation
The devlopment of a Positive Energy District (PED) is important for the future and our goals of our cities. Yet we have many cities, who still need to develop their districts and settlemetns to a positive energy level, means that they can produce more energy then they need in the projected area. PED-ACT focuses on the process optimisation for enhanced stakeholders cooperation and reinforced decision-making. We as consortium believe that this is important, to make the replication as easy as possible.
PED-ACT contribute to standardisation of the database of existing PEDs (planned, designed or implemented) with a focus on Sweden, Turkey and Austria. PED-ACT further learns from the database and creates digital PED references by mapping stakeholders’ needs and priorities in cities of Borlänge (Sweden), Umeå (Sweden), Ankara (Turkey), Karsiyaka (Turkey) and the county of Lower Austria (Austria). PED-ACT pursues bilateral learning and co-design strategies among different cities for wide replication of PEDs towards ‘climate-neutrality and smart cities’ goals.

Positive Energy District (PED) is graded as an essential component towards climate neutrality and smart cities. The development of PED brings great needs in new processes and the related cooperation among stakeholders. This project (‘PED-ACT’) aims to optimise the process iteratively of PED development for enhanced stakeholder cooperation and reinforced decision-making.

Lead partner: Dalarna University in Börlange
utilising machine learning

networking dinner in Borlänge
PED-ACT extracts the main characterization of PEDs automatically by machine learning approaches, through standardisation of the common database for existing PEDs, by focusing on Sweden, Turkey, and Austria. The digital PED references are then generated, based on a multi-criteria characterization matrix, by auto-matching the development needs/priorities from different stakeholders during bilateral learning and co-design processes.
The learning and co-design processes is planed to be among four specific cities (Borlänge, Umea, Karsiyaka-Izmir, Ankara) and a county (Lower Austria). PED-ACT finally evaluates the feasibility of these digital PED references to further develop the replication and upscaling plans, towards ‘climate-neutrality and smart cities’ goals.

wind, sun, biomass and more to produce local energy for local needs.

combine energy sources to a bundle in revitalisation projects
PED-ACT deeply learns a wealth of information from the existing PEDs and then maps the practical needs for PED development in local contexts iteratively. It leads to concrete cooperation from the outset with support of data and involvement of stakeholders. The project results will reinforce decision-making of PEDs and support public administrators/local stakeholders in the new pathways and development.
for more information contact our Bahanur Nasya at office(at)

case study Borlänge in Sweden

solar energy for local growth