Posted on: 1st July 2022
The European Capital of Culture Salzkammergut 2024 starts with the pop-up film festival “Points of View“ a series of events about architecture and regional development as a prelude to the Capital of Culture year 2024. “Points of View” is part of the Salzkammergut 2024 program-line GLOBALOCAL – BUILDING THE NEW.
July 8, 2022, 8:30 pm, Schönau 8, 4644 Scharnstein, Free Entry

Since May 2022 until the end of 2024 the “Points of View” film festival team has been wandering through the region collecting, sharing and telling stories about people, places, ideas and visions from and for the Salzkammergut. “Points of View” discusses questions about potentials of rural areas and presents projects of social and ecological justice. The energy requird for the events is generated by power generator bikes in cooperation with the Cycle Cinema Club in keeping with the spirit of the “Green European Capital of Culture”.
First movie evening “Our Free Spaces” in Scharnstein
The opening evening of the Blickpunkte Film Festival presents results from the first short film workshop, which took place in May 2022 at Treibgut – die Gastro in der Moserei in Scharnstein. Bernhard Mayer and Paula Brücke from Mies.Magazin spent a weekend working with film and architecture enthusiasts to develop a short film on the topic of “open spaces” in Scharnstein: from vacancies to unused potential in public spaces. The film will be presented as part of the short film programme in the former sawmill Schönau 8.
Who owns the street and public space? Do we all have the same access to urban space? What do children and young people need or want for spaces and places in the city? And do our localities also offer sufficient mobility for senior citizens?
The films of the opening evening link Scharnstein and the Salzkammergut with positions from Halle Neustadt (Germany), Kiev & Lviv (Ukraine), and Mexico City (Mexico).
The films of the opening evening link Scharnstein and the Salzkammergut with positions from Halle Neustadt (Germany), Kiev & Lviv (Ukraine), and Mexico City (Mexico). In the film “Kaleidoscope Südpark”, children and young people together with artists transform the concrete desert of a car park into a colourful synthesis of the arts, including a radio station, kitchen and expedition ship. “To the Table,” a short film by Ukrainian architect Anna Dobrova, highlights creativity and community in a Kiev neighbourhood, as does Yilmaz Vurucu’s portrait of the revitalised jam factory in Lviv, which is now a cultural centre. And in Tuline Gülgönen’s “Ciudad Grande – The Big City.” we experience how children playfully appropriate street space even in a big city like Mexico City.
PROGRAM July 8, 2022
Presentation of the results from the workshop “Our Open Spaces!” with Mies.Magazin.
Lviv Jam Factory, AT / UA 2020, 7:51 min, OmeU, R: The Open Heritage Project
To the Table, UA 2017, 13:53 min, OmeU, R: Anna Dobrova
Kaleidoskop Südpark, D 2019, 24:00 min, OmeU, R: Vincent Dino Zimmer
Ciudad Grande (Big City), MEX 2017, 31:24 min, OmeU, R: Ana Álvarez, Tuline Gülgönen
Audience discussion with filmmakers, Mies.Magazin, and other guests.
Moderation: Marlene Rutzendorfer
May 2022 until the end of 2024 – 2 Workshops and 6 Screenings
Project Partner: wonderland – platform for european architecture. For more than ten years, the wonderland architecture platform has been using film and video to address questions about the built environment and architecture in rural and urban areas.
Curator: Marlene Rutzendorfer
In Cooperation with CycleCinemaClub and Mies. Magazin, Schönau 8, and Kulturverein Mühldorf
Graphics cover image: doppelpaula
BLICKPUNKTE is a Culture Project of the European Capital of Culture Bad Ischl Salzkammergut 2024.