Movies in Wonderland Dialogue – MUVA & Eutropian

Posted on: 23rd October 2020
Movies in Wonderland – Dialogue #1
October 23, 2020

Location: online

A movies in wonderland – dialogue with MUVA / Maputo, Male Ya Pepha / Maputo & Eutropian / Vienna, Oslo


On October 23, Carlos Osvaldo (MUVA – female economic empowerment in Mozambique, Maputo), Libânia Uamusse (Male Ya Pepha Microcredito, Maputo), and Bahanur Nasya (wonderland / Eutropian, Vienna) joined Marlene Rutzendorfer (wonderland, Vienna) for a conversation on the effects of COVID-19 on cities, small businesses, and neighbourhoods in the context of wonderland and MUVA´s joint campaign “We will fight COVID in Peace and Harmony” that aims at fostering mutual support in these challenging times. 

Male Ya Phepha, Libania Uamusse

Libânia Uamusse runs a micro credit business in Mozambique´s capital and discussed the immediate economic effects small businesses in Maputo experienced with the shut down of international borders so crucial to her clients, and how she still managed to support these clients through the crisis. For growing her own business, she had participated in MUVA´s PAM Acceleration Program for Small Businesses, and shared this experience in our talk. 

Movies in Wonderland & MUVA Campaign #acovidnaonosdivide

Carlos Osvaldo, communications officer at MUVA, spoke about how the organisation is promoting economic opportunities for youth by designing, testing and scaling innovative approaches to business and education. The PAM program has featured projects in place making and green spaces in the city of Maputo, offering training in gardening and construction work, challenging gender norms within these fields. He also presented #acovidnaonosdivide, the online campaign co-organized with wonderland, including a video and a social media campaign that invites people to share their own experience. See wonderland article here.

Movies in Wonderland Dialogue #1:


Bahanur Nasya, an urban researcher at Eutropian, took us through a series of placemaking and community oriented projects throughout Europe, also mentioning the growing importance of placemaking and adapting public space and public life to the current needs during a pandemic. Bahanur presented case studies from the Gronland neighbourhood in Oslo, Norway, as well as Floridsdorf, Vienna, engaging in participatory research and collecting ideas for improving these neighborhoods in uncertain times.

Eutropian: multicultural Gronland


movies in wonderland is supported by Bundesministerium für Kunst, Kultur, öffentlicher Dienst, und Sport.