Posted on: 10th October 2020
Creative Governance and planning solutions on metropolitan level.
The continuing urbanization trend is increasingly transforming cities into metropolitan areas. Even though metropolitan management and planning is not yet sufficiently integrated into contemporary planning practice and culture there are first attempts to develop new strategies and tools which tackle the emerging challenges of growing metropolises of the 21st century.

The MetroLab initiates an International Dialogue on Metropolitan Planning.
The International Dialogue on Metropolitan Planning, consisting of a four-part dialogue series, kicked off in fall 2020 with the first two MetroLab Forums on mobility and urban growth. Two additional Forums on the importance of resilient urban landscapes and the new role and identity of city regions are expected in spring 2021.
During a two-day program each MetroLab Forum offers the opportunity to listen to exciting lectures by international experts, participate in walkshops and watch and discuss selected movies.
A coherent, cross-border transportation network is the backbone of metropolitan development. In the future, our mobility systems not only will have to meet multimodal, but also multi-optional demands. From the interlocking of different forms of mobility, to a smooth transition from walking or cycling to bus, train or car, the discussion is moving towards the general requirements of a successful interconnection of metropolitan areas.
October 12, 6:00 PM
Location: die Schöne, Kuffnergasse 7, 1160 Vienna
Montparnasse Vibrations FR 2005, 8min, Michaël Leymarie & Cédric Ramière
Montparnasse vibrations presents a specific perspective on different forms of the city in motion. It reads countless movements and the variety of its shapes to reveal its temporalities that can be segmented into rhythms and pulsations, routes and sequences, places, and objects. Time is used to measure and interpret complex movement and understand the set of different uses in space.

Trains of Thoughts A 2012, 60min, Timo Novotny
A portrait of several world metropolises through the lens of their subway systems, revealing power relations within the global economy: starting in Vienna, the film takes you on a journey through New York, Los Angeles, Tokyo, Hong Kong and Moscow.

Discussing the future of metropolitan mobility means not only questioning existing mobility policy instruments and measures, but also encouraging sustainable and inclusive mobility as well as a territorial rebalance. By learning from other metropolitan areas such as Grand Paris, Barcelona and Madrid, we want to take on a multi-perspective view when talking about the planning and management of public transport systems in the Vienna Metropolis and shed light on how far mobility is an essential tool for creating new centralities and enables the development of new urban-rural lifestyles.
movies in wonderland supported by: