Posted on: 21st August 2022
International Training: Spatial Justice
6.09.2022-10.09.2022 in Vienna (AT)
various locations, details below
We will be working with 25 youth trainers in Vienna in September. The aim is to train them to be trainers by themselves, so they can work with young people on the topic of spatial justice. Here you can find an overview of the planned activities.

6.9.2022 – travel & meet up of international trainers
contact: Robert Körner
7.9.2022 – training in Vinzirast 9th district
Vinzi Rast Mittendrin, Lackierergasse 10, 1090 Wien
- Ulrika Stevens & Bahanur Nasya
- Robert Körner
- Ella Senzenberger
- Samah Ibrahim
- participants of the international Training
8.9.2022 – training in Garage Grande 16th district
Garage Grande; Deinhardsteingasse 12, 1160 Wien
- Bahanur Nasya
- Mahmoud Barakat
- Ella Senzenberger
- Robert Körner
- participants of the international Training
9.9.2022 – training in MeiMeidling 12th district
Meidlinger Markt 1120 Wien Reschgasse 3
- Ella Senzenberger
- Robert Körner
- participants of the international Training
9.9.2022 – training in Supergrätzl 10th district
Supergrätzl 1100 Herzgasse Wien
- Yilmaz Vurucu
- Robert Körner
- participants of the international Training
10.09.2022 – closing in MeiMeidling 12th district & travel
Meidlinger Markt 1120 Wien Reschgasse 3
- Ella Senzenberger
- Robert Körner
- participants of the international Training

The main objectives of the training are:
- Development of profiles, skills and experiences of urban advisors to support youth to activate space.
- introduction of the young trainers to urban enhancement methods with respect to spatial justice.
- gaining practical experience in an international context
- use of urban gamification to make transition topics better comprehensive and accessible for younger audience.
- Motivate to cooperate with the consortium in further follow-up of the project at the local or European levels.

More on International Training Course
The journey of these Urban Advisors will start by an international training taking place in Vienna, aiming at empowering youth workers, potential urban advisors with competencies related to empowering and engaging youth from rural areas and/or peripheric areas.
During the international event, the young urban advisors will provide additional inputs on the design of the gamification tool. They will be the coaches that will lead the activities involving youth in suburban and peripheral areas. The international training will be taking place between September 6-10th, 2022 (including travelling days), which will be organized by Wonderland – Platform for European Architecture.

Costs of participation will be supported by the Eramus+ program. Participants are responsible for covering the costs of necessary documents following the Covid-19 restrictions.
More detailed information on the activities and training format, you may find in the document attached here.
Contact information of the host:
Wonderland – Platform for Architecture
Robert Körner