Posted on: 7th September 2021
We are calling all young people who are interested in farming and organic ways of farming to participate in our first EYAE Training.
EYAE project aims to empower youth towards innovative green agro-technologies and start up business creation as the main driver to achieve food security and employability in an environmental friendly way through NFE methods.
Our target group is the rural youths because we firmly believe that they are the future of the agricultural sector in participating countries.
Objectives of the project are to educate the youths and train them on sustainable agriculture and entrepreneurship, to promote and support Sustainable Agricultural Enterprises, to develop participant’s competences in planning non formal education and intercultural activities and promoting social inclusion of young people.
The hosting organisation will be the olive growers association bar. The organisation was established as NGO in 2002, due to the need to perform organized activities in olive and olive oil sector in Southern region of Montenegro Coast. The Association counts more than 800 members, with own groves covering around 70% of olive production and orchards in the Municipality. Moto of the Association ‘The olive is the name of Bar’ reflects the tradition of olive growing in this area, where the ‘Old olive tree’, older than 2000 years is located.

Developing green technologies in organic farming
The Training will involve a total of 24 participants from partner organizations. During the first training participants with be introduced to the organic agriculture concept, irrigation, crops cultivation and what is EU Strategy/directive on combating climate change through NFE methods. The youth will have the chance to study innovative green technologies solutions and learn about organic farms to study how they are dealing mainly with the ensuring of food security.
Moreover, during the Training the participant will have also other benefits regarding personal development: self-confidence, self awareness, skills, creativity, team work, communication (improving foreign language skills, body language etc.). Also, they will develop soft skills (presentation, creations), oratory skills (giving information, answering questions, articulating and persuading), improvisation skills (theatre, etc.), body language (aligning your body language with your message etc)
Place and date: Bar, 04-10 October 2021
Number of participants: 24
COUNTRIES: Montenegro, Albania, Serbia, North Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Austria
LANGUAGE: The official language of the project is English

Participants profile
- Age between 18-35
- interest in the project topic
- supplementary knowledge about agriculture, environmental management, sustainability or other related fields
- English level above average
- mandatory participation in the second Training Course
To participate in the “Developing green technologies in organic farming” Training you should send your CV and a detailed cover letter at your local partner expressing the interest to participate in such as program and what will be your contribution.
Participants from Austria should therefore contact:
wonderland – platform for european architecture
Hannah Breit
[email protected]