360° VR-The Seven Step Verse

Posted on: 16th June 2023
Performing the City: The Seven Step Verse (2022), a Film in 360° VR by Ella Raidel
When? From June 17, 2023 / 5 PM
Available to view by appointment at VR Escape Room Traunkirchen 2023-2024.

The documentary VR work explores the relationship between space and body in Singapore’s iconic modernist shopping malls in seven scenarios. The “seven-step verse” is inspired by the Chinese poet Cao Zhi, who believed that a poem in seven verses showed wit, speed and creativity. The performers occupy the shopping centers, appropriating clothes and gestures as they pass by and reciting texts – thus pointing out the underlying ideological and social hierarchies.

Vernissage at Cafe Johannsberg, Traunkirchen. More info here!

Ella Raidel will be in person at Cafe Johannsberg for the launch of her film on June 17, 2023 from 5 pm. The film will then be available to view by appointment at VR Room in Traunkirchen in 2023 – 2024.

in cooperation with Ella Raidel / NTU Singapore.