Posted on: 2nd October 2021

Do you want to develop your research about RURAL NEET YOUTH?

If you are an early researcher (researchers up to 8 years after the completion of their PhD) or a PhD Student and you are developing research about topics in RURAL NEET YOUTH, you can join the COST Action CA18213.


The Call is open until 31st October 2021 for two mentoring groups.

Select one of the two groups and apply to become their mentee.

Mentees have all these opportunities:

  • To receive intensive training on the development and preparation of research project proposals on the topic.
  • To develop the capacity to design and develop interdisciplinary and applied research at national and international levels on NEETs across countries, focusing both on rural and urban contexts.
  • To be part of a network of researchers, actively involving researchers form less research-intensive COST countries (ITC Countries), with the capacity to capture funding to develop applied and interdisciplinary research on “NEETs and PES”.
  • To participate and engage in activities aiming to involve young people, stakeholders and policymakers in the elaboration and implementation of research projects on rural youth participation.
  • To participate in the design, development and submission of a funding proposal at local, national and/or regional level (EU) within the lifetime of the mentorship programme.


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