Posted on: 10th November 2016
Review: Workshop and Conference at The Austrian Cultural Forum Berlin
From July 13 – 15 2016, the Austrian Cultural Forum Berlin and wonderland hosted the event ´Living the Cooperative City` presenting workshops, films, and discussions. Participants from the field of architecture, urbanism, literature, film and social practices held talks on their tested models for housing and communication in the context of flight, arrival and staying. In the course of the three-day workshop, the participants reflected upon different approaches of living and working together and set the foundation for future collaboration on the topics developed in interdisciplinary groups. Site visits included Tempelhof, artist Max Frey´s “Balloon Kitchen”, the so-called “Balloon City” in Moabit as well as a cooking workshop at the “Kitchen Hub”, an initiative by ueberdentellerrand, TU Berlin´s Habitat Unit and CoCoon Studio. An article on the event can be found in Austrian Cultural Forum Berlin´s magazine Kosmos Österreich / 54.
Curated by Marlene Rutzendorfer / wonderland and Katharina Rohde / Curator and Urbanist
Moderated by Theresa Keilhacker and Anneke Holz

Presentations featured:
Displaced / TU Wien, EOOS, „Social Furniture“, Vienna, Fluchtraum Österreich, Vienna,
Refugees Welcome / Leibniz Universität Hannover, Kommen und Bleiben, Berlin
magdasHOTEL & Caritas Vienna, bockwerk, Vienna, gaupenraub+/- Vienna,
Kitchen-Hub / Habitat Unit, Cucula, Berlin, Campus Cosmopolis, Berlin
Author Susanne Ayoub, reading from the book »Der Edelsteingarten«

In a closing event, movies in wonderland held a film screening of »Europe Endless«, AT/MT 2015, 30 min, OF, R: Gunther Blauensteiner, Valentin Langer, Penelope Reindl and a Sneak Preview into a recent Austrian film on the topic of flight and arrival.

The Austrian participants of “Living the Cooperative City” magdasHOTEL, bockwerk , Fluchtraum Österreich, EOOS (tbc) and Displaced / TU Wien will also be presented at wonderland´s event “Arriving to the Cooperative City: the Vienna Refugee Coalition” in Vienna (AT) on November 19, 5pm at Packhaus.