FILMNIGHT: Tree house & Alt-Erlaa Vienna (AT)

Posted on: 7th June 2019


by IBA VOR ORT | movies in wonderland

Special guest: Zara Pfeifer, artist & director of “Du, meine konkrete Utopie.”

place: VHS Favoriten, Arthaberplatz 18, 1100 Vienna

date: 18 June 2019

time: 19:00

entry free! please reserve.

Rain or shine!

Tree house & Alt-Erlaa

The evening is dedicated to two visionary housing projects: Frei Otto’s “tree house,” a project for IBA Berlin in 1987, and Harry Glück’s residential park Alt-Erlaa. While in Zara Pfeifer’s Du, meine Konkrete Utopie the inhabitants of Alt-Erlaa talk about the advantages of the numerous common areas of this city within the city, Beate Lendt’s film Der Traum vom Baumhaus also gives us the perspective of architects like Frei Otto, Yona Friedman, Anne Lacaton & Jean-Philippe Vassal, who talk about the philosophy and the sustainable impact of this ecological community project.


Du, meine konkrete Utopie, A 2016, 10 min., OV with engl. subtitles, D: Zara Pfeifer

Du, meine konkrete Utopie showcases Pfeifer’s visual and sociological discoveries in an expansive series of photographs. Alterlaa is a rare example of the successful implementation of modernity’s highest aspiration—a true machine for living, with nearly one-hundred-percent resident satisfaction for more than four decades. Here, Pfeifer captures its human side for the first time. Kimberly Bradley

Project site


Der Traum vom Baumhaus/Dreaming of a Treehouse, GER 2011, 65 min, OV with engl. subtitles, D: Beate Lendt

The documentary “Dreaming of a Treehouse” addresses the Ökohaus, an experimental collective housing project in Berlin, conceived by the famous German architect/engineer Frei Otto for the International Building Exhibition (IBA) of 1984-1987 held in Berlin. Through a series of interviews with the key players involved in the design and realization process, it looks back on the implemented innovative ecological and adaptable design strategies, as well as on the participatory co-design process behind this remarkable building. It is one of Frei Otto’s least known projects, yet a masterpiece and radical consequence of his groundbreaking thinking on adaptability.

Interviews with Frei Otto, Christine Kanstinger-Otto, Hermann Kendel, co-architects, planners as well as inhabitants and participatory builders.

Commentary by architects Yona Friedman, Anne Lacaton and Jean-Philippe Vassal.



movies in wonderland film nights in cooperation with IBA_Wien

In 2019, movies in wonderland and IBA_Wien are collecting, sharing and telling home stories. Through films & discussions, we will discuss the history and potential future of housing.

On six film evenings between June and December 2019, „Wohngeschichten“ give a broad audience the opportunity to get to know the residential quarters of the IBA_Wien and to discuss topics ranging from the famous Gemeindebau in Red Vienna to the future of ecologically and socially sustainable housing.

Program 2019:

06.09.2019 | 20:00 
FABRIK | Seestadt Aspern , 1220 Vienna

Göttliche Lage. Eine Stadt erfindet sich neu. D: Ulrike Franke & Michael Loeken, DE 2014, 104min., dOmeU

19.09.2019 | 20:00
Neu Leopoldau, 1210 Vienna

Vom Bauen der Zukunft – 100 Jahre Bauhaus. D: Niels Bolbrinker, Thomas Tielsch, DE 2018, 90min, dOF

07.11.2019 | 18:00
Bildungscampus Berresgasse , 1220 Vienna

The Infinite Happiness. D: Ila Beka & Louise Lemoine, F 2015, 85min., OmeU

28.11.2019 | 18:00 
Waschhalle George-Washington-Hof , 1100 Vienna

Natura Urbana – Die Brachen von Berlin (DE 2017), D: Matthew Gandy, DE 2017, 72min., OmdU

09.12.2019 | 18:30 
Per-Albin Hansson Siedlung , 1100 Vienna
  • Film night “Per-Albin-Hansson-Siedlung then and now”
    Archival footage from Filmmuseum Austria

contact: [email protected]

Partner: IBA_Wien

Event link IBA_Wien

Supported by: Bundeskanzleramt Österreich, and by Kammer der ZiviltechnikerInnen | ArchitektInnen und IngenieurInnen Wien.Niederösterreich.Burgenland