Posted on: 14th May 2024
What is happening?
Fairmobility and Blickpunkte are projects that have emerged in the ecosystem of the European Capital of Culture Region Salzkammergut 2024, which aim to revitalise the town centre and improve mobility for local people. The local Agenda Zukunft project “Ebensee – where do you want to go” has been pursuing the same goal since 2021. Together with RURASMUS, methods for revitalising the town centre are being tested. Local shops, pubs, educational institutions, health organisations, art and cultural businesses and much more have a major impact on well-being and mobility behaviour. Services and places that are within walking distance are not only more environmentally friendly, but also offer a wide range of opportunities to meet, socialise and collaborate.
All project partners are now joining forces and offer a day with various programme items to work on the ” Lively Ebensee” vision. With interest groups such as mothers with children, senior citizens, people from neighbourhood help, building culture enthusiasts, … measures and actions are developed that can be implemented in Ebensee. On 23 May 2024, the project partners invite everyone to contribute their ideas in workshops, which will be discussed with various experts in the evening.

Event programme
23 May 2024 in Ebensee am Traunsee / Austria
Event at the Municipality Ebensee
14:00: Fairmobility workshop with various interest groups in the wedding hall of the municipality of Ebensee (childcare will be provided by Frauen*forum Salzkammergut)
To register for the workshop, please contact us: [email protected]; 06133 – 4136
Events at Landungsplatz Ebensee
17:00: Open follow-up workshop “Don’t just talk. Do it. And do it together.”
18:00: A Lively Ebensee – public panel discussion
– Revitalisation of the town centre
– Targeted mobility programmes for interested parties
– Strategic improvement of accessibility and mobility
21:00: Blickpunkte – Guerilla Screening as a guest of Fairmobility & Rurasmus Rettet das Dorf (Save the village), AT 2020, 76:00 min, OV, D: Teresa Distelberger
RETTET DAS DORF shows new perspectives and potentials and tells of people whose ideas contribute to a development that allows the village to live on: “It only takes two or three people who are passionate about a cause. And you have to let them!”
Open end
The European Capital of Culture Salzkammergut 2024, teams from FairMobility, Agenda Zukunft “Ebensee wo willst du hin”, Rurasmus and Blickpunkte cordially invite all interested parties to participate and discuss.
All events are free of charge. Drinks and snacks will be provided by the organisers.