Treecycle “Es muss doch gehen!”

Posted on: 1st December 2021

Treecycling the city!

a short film about urban heat prevention

by Wonderland – platform for european architecture presents a short film about “treecycle” in Vienna (AT)

Treecycling the city!,  2021, 08:41 min, german (OT), R: Yilmaz Vurucu

“It’s so simple –  We just take a piece of forest and bring it into the hot city”, Rüdiger Suppin


Treecycle film

We take a look into the thought process of Treecycle: A Viennese collective creating ecologically and socially sustainable “street furniture” in the form of unique and transportable ecosystems. We talked to the creators about the challenges of the last few years, the beginnings and the potential behind it.

Es muss doch gehen!

a Yilmaz Vurucu film.
Produced by Hannah Breit.
Executive producer: Bahanur Nasya.
a wonderland production.
Supported by BKA and xsentrikarts

Feel free to share and spread the word. We would love to see more entrepreneurs in this field. If you know of other initiatives, just let us know, so we can promote them as well.


Treecycle is an ecologically and socially sustainable urban furniture that offers solutions for overheated neighborhoods. The centerpiece of each Treecycle is a tree with an associated water tower. The urban furniture is self-sustaining and virtually independent of urban infrastructure. As an island of shade on overheated concrete squares, it serves as a resting zone and a place to connect with the neighbourhood. In addition to the urban services, they also enter into a cooperation with Jobtrain and Volkshilfe Wien and work together with young people with mental disabilities on the grounds of the Wiener Zukunftshof. The teenager help to build the constructions and plant the trees that will later find their place in one of the shady islands in the city.

All in all, a sustainable showcase project, that is well worth seeing.


Get in Touch!

Instagramm: wonderland_platform

to get in Touch with treecycle: treecycle /office(at)

for further film inspiration:  website


more info:

UCE LAB Publication about Treecycle and some other interesting case studies in the field of placemaking