Posted on: 25th July 2024
The twelfth annual international open-air architecture film festival presents films on the topic of Travel, Holidays and Tourism in times of climate crisis.
Almost any corner of the world can be reached in just a few hours — at least by a small portion of humanity. It is estimated that only 10-20% of the world’s population travels on a regular basis. Tourism is seen as a way to guarantee new jobs, although the sector is often also responsible for the perpetuation of neo-colonial structures. Who benefits from tourism, and what happens when holidaymakers suddenly stop traveling? How does tourism dominate entire regions and what is the role played in this by spatial planning and architecture? Is it even appropriate to travel nonchalantly when national borders represent an almost insurmountable hurdle and a danger for millions of people? The open-air festival invites film and architecture enthusiasts to spend time together, watch films and exchange ideas.
Wed 31.07.2024, 20:30 – Reaching the Tipping Point
Is there such a thing as sustainable travel in times of insta-hotspots and climate crisis? Excessive tourism has serious ecological and social consequences. The film night is dedicated to these phenomena and shows alternatives.

All Inclusive, CH 2018, 10:00 min, no dialogue. Dir: Corina Schwingruber Ilić
Exercising on the sundeck and a Polonaise through the restaurant. These and far more are on offer on board a cruise ship. Business is booming. The short film ‘All Inclusive’ shows mass entertainment on the high seas — and the aftermath.
Plastik tut weh, AT 2022, 01:24 min, German OV, Trickfilmstudio, ZOOM Kindermuseum
The young filmmakers of the Trickfilmstudio go on holiday on an island, where they discover all kinds of traces of human activity, in the ocean.
The Last Tourist, CA 2021, 100:00 min, English OV. Dir: Tyson Sadler
From the beaches of the Caribbean to remote villages in Kenya, forgotten voices describe the real conditions and impact of the tourist industry, which is one of the biggest industrial sectors in the world.
Wed 07.08.2024, 20:30 – A Surveyed World
Supposedly rural and remote areas, whether in mountainous regions or close to the Arctic Circle, are criss-crossed by tourist infrastructure, which is accompanied by terraforming and the sealing over of the soil.

View, NOR 2021, 04:00 min, no dialogue. Dir: Odveig Klyve
A cruise ship approaches a quiet Norwegian coastal town.
Borderlands, US 2019, 15:34 min, English OV with German subs. Dir: Merete Mueller
In three regions along the USA-Mexico border, commuters, urban planners and children engage with the wall that divides their homes and their lives.
Alpenland, AT 2022, 88:00 min, German OV. Dir: Robert Schabus
The Alps are not just a spectacular natural setting in the heart of Europe, they are also home to 13 million people in eight countries, whose plethora of languages, dialects and ways of life reflect the cultural diversity of this unique region. The breadth of topics addressed in this film ranges from tourism, via agriculture to the impact of climate change, which are all already palpable here.
Wed 14.08.2024, 20:30 – Whose Holiday?
What does it mean to travel? And what is it like to work where others have their holidays?

Always Blue, AT 2022, 06:00 min, no dialogue. Dir: Käthe Löffelmann
‘Always Blue’ was made as part of the exhibition ‘Holiday’. It engages with the visual elements of long-existing holiday structures. Dystopian or idyllic?
进岛方向 / Into the Island, CA 2024, 41:00 min, OV with English subs. Dir: Joshua Frank, CCA. Concept: Francesco Garutti and Irene Chin
In summer 2022 the architect Xu Tiantian and her office DnA are invited to design a new museum on Meizhou Island, which is directly off the coast from their hometown, Putian. The island, which is well known as the birthplace of the cult of the Chinese sea goddess Mazu, is a pilgrimage destination where space for worship and mass tourism, archaic construction techniques and strict measures to protect the environment co-exist in a fragile equilibrium.
Stories from the Sea, AT 2021, 86:00 min, German OV with subs. Dir: Jola Wieczorek
Jola Wieczorek’s film weaves together three stories from the Mediterranean in an impressive narrative shot in black-and-white. We accompany Jessica, a trainee on a cargo vessel and the only female member of the crew, Amparo, who has been taking long cruises since the death of her husband, and a group of young people on a sailing boat. A film between vacation and work and reflection, and the vastness of the open seas.
Wed 21.08.2024, 20:30 – Traveling, Stories, Perspectives
The final evening sheds light on the construction of dream locations and subjects them to critical scrutiny.

Guten Tag Buon Giorno, AT 2006, 04:00 min., German OV with English subs. Dir: Veronika Schubert
‘Guten Tag Buon Giorno’ is a collage based on sounds and visuals from holidaymakers. A short film as inspiration for discussions that have probably never been undertaken in this form. Or have they?
Ponyboys, USA 2022, 24:00 min., English OV. Dir: Eric Stange
Two children make their way from their hometown in Massachusetts to the Expo 67 in Montreal, in the summer of 1967. They are accompanied by their pony, as well as by a whole nation, which, bit by bit, begins to follow their journey closely in the media. A story between deceleration and media hype.
Ferenj: A Graphic Memoir in Virtual Reality, USA 2020, 09:19 min, English OV. Dir: Ainslee Alem Robson
Ainslee Alem Robson takes us on a journey in this VR-film, between Addis Abeba and Cleveland, and into her own family history. As if in a dream, we are whisked through the photogrammetrically depicted scenes by Ethiopian jazz and the protagonist’s narrative.
Terra Femme, USA 2021, 62:00 min, English OV. Dir: Courtney Stephens
Stories of women as travel filmmakers from the 1920s to the 1950s. Using archive material, the film examines the traces that these women left behind with a film camera, and raises issues about gender, genre and perspectives.
Curators: Lene Benz, Marlene Rutzendorfer
In cooperation with: wonderland – platform for european architecture and MuseumsQuartier Wien
Thanks to: Federal Ministry Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology